🇬🇧 100 tips for overcome major depression

Geschrieben am 25.08.2024
von Alex Liedtke

Developing tiny habits can be a powerful way to combat depression, as they require minimal effort but can significantly improve your mood and well-being over time. Here are 100 small habits you can start to help alleviate depression:


### Morning Habits

1. **Get out of bed as soon as you wake up**: Avoid hitting snooze.

2. **Open the curtains**: Let natural light in.

3. **Make your bed**: Start the day with a sense of accomplishment.

4. **Drink a glass of water**: Hydrate right after waking.

5. **Stretch for 2 minutes**: Loosen up your body.

6. **Take a few deep breaths**: Focus on calm breathing.

7. **Express gratitude for one thing**: Reflect on a positive aspect of your life.

8. **Smile in the mirror**: Even if it feels forced.

9. **Eat a healthy breakfast**: Start with nutritious food.

10. **Spend a few minutes outside**: Get fresh air, even on your balcony.


### Daytime Habits

11. **Take a 5-minute walk**: Move your body, even if it’s just around your home.

12. **Do one small chore**: Wash dishes, tidy up, or dust a surface.

13. **Listen to uplifting music**: Play songs that make you feel good.

14. **Do a random act of kindness**: Help someone else, even with a small gesture.

15. **Take a break every hour**: Stand up, stretch, or step away from your desk.

16. **Drink water regularly**: Stay hydrated throughout the day.

17. **Practice a 5-minute mindfulness meditation**: Focus on your breath.

18. **Eat a fruit or vegetable**: Add a healthy snack to your day.

19. **Spend 5 minutes organizing a space**: Declutter a small area.

20. **Compliment yourself**: Say something positive about yourself.


### Evening Habits

21. **Reflect on three good things from the day**: Identify small positives.

22. **Write a journal entry**: Even a sentence or two.

23. **Do a short relaxation exercise**: Deep breathing or muscle relaxation.

24. **Dim the lights an hour before bed**: Prepare your body for sleep.

25. **Avoid screens 30 minutes before bed**: Reduce blue light exposure.

26. **Read a few pages of a book**: Engage in a calming activity.

27. **Prepare for tomorrow**: Lay out clothes, plan meals, etc.

28. **Visualize a peaceful place**: Imagine a calming scene before sleeping.

29. **End the day with gratitude**: Recall one positive thing that happened.

30. **Set a regular bedtime**: Stick to a sleep schedule.


### Social Habits

31. **Text or call a friend**: Reach out, even if it’s just to say hello.

32. **Smile at someone you pass**: Share a small positive interaction.

33. **Send an encouraging message to someone**: Brighten someone’s day.

34. **Join a support group**: Even online, engage with others who understand.

35. **Ask someone about their day**: Show interest in others.

36. **Share a positive story or memory**: Connect with a good moment.

37. **Give a genuine compliment**: Make someone feel appreciated.

38. **Say “thank you” more often**: Practice gratitude in conversations.

39. **Offer help to someone in need**: Small acts of kindness matter.

40. **Spend time with a pet or visit a friend’s**: Animals can lift your spirits.


### Physical Habits

41. **Walk for 10 minutes a day**: Any form of movement counts.

42. **Try light stretching**: Focus on releasing tension.

43. **Do a 1-minute plank**: Build strength gradually.

44. **Take the stairs**: Incorporate more movement.

45. **Dance to one song**: Have fun while being active.

46. **Try a yoga pose**: Start with something simple.

47. **Squeeze a stress ball**: Release built-up tension.

48. **Do 10 jumping jacks**: Get your heart rate up.

49. **Sit in the sun for 5 minutes**: Get some Vitamin D.

50. **Practice deep breathing**: Calm your mind and body.


### Mental Habits

51. **Challenge a negative thought**: Replace it with a positive one.

52. **Repeat a positive affirmation**: Say something uplifting.

53. **Learn one new thing each day**: Engage your mind.

54. **Spend 2 minutes being mindful**: Focus on the present moment.

55. **Engage in a hobby**: Dedicate a few minutes to something you enjoy.

56. **Limit negative news consumption**: Protect your mental space.

57. **List 5 things you like about yourself**: Practice self-love.

58. **Visualize a positive outcome**: Imagine success in your goals.

59. **Watch something funny**: Laughter can be powerful.

60. **Practice self-compassion**: Be kind to yourself.


### Nutritional Habits

61. **Eat a small healthy snack**: Nuts, fruit, or yogurt.

62. **Try a new recipe**: Cook something nourishing.

63. **Limit sugar intake**: Focus on whole foods.

64. **Eat slowly**: Savor each bite.

65. **Add more greens to your plate**: Boost nutrients.

66. **Eat at regular intervals**: Avoid skipping meals.

67. **Include protein in meals**: Helps with energy levels.

68. **Reduce processed foods**: Opt for fresher options.

69. **Stay mindful while eating**: Focus on your food, not distractions.

70. **Hydrate before meals**: Sometimes thirst is mistaken for hunger.


### Creative Habits

71. **Doodle or draw**: Express yourself through art.

72. **Write a short poem or story**: Let your imagination flow.

73. **Take a photo of something beautiful**: Capture a positive moment.

74. **Create a playlist**: Gather songs that uplift you.

75. **Try a craft project**: Keep it simple and fun.

76. **Decorate a space**: Make your environment more pleasant.

77. **Color in a coloring book**: Relax through creativity.

78. **Cook a new dish**: Experiment in the kitchen.

79. **Redesign your workspace**: Make it more inspiring.

80. **Plan a small garden**: Even indoor plants work.


### Self-Care Habits

81. **Take a relaxing bath or shower**: Refresh your body and mind.

82. **Moisturize your skin**: Care for your body.

83. **Wear something comfortable**: Prioritize your comfort.

84. **Light a scented candle**: Engage your senses.

85. **Listen to calming music**: Create a soothing atmosphere.

86. **Brush your teeth**: Maintain hygiene.

87. **Comb your hair**: Take care of your appearance.

88. **Change out of your pajamas**: Signal the start of the day.

89. **Pamper yourself with a face mask**: Indulge in self-care.

90. **Unplug for a few minutes**: Disconnect from technology.


### Spiritual and Reflective Habits

91. **Pray or meditate**: Connect with your spiritual side.

92. **Read an inspirational quote**: Find motivation in words.

93. **Reflect on your values**: Consider what’s important to you.

94. **Visualize your goals**: Picture where you want to be.

95. **Forgive yourself for a mistake**: Let go of guilt.

96. **Send out positive energy**: Wish well for others.

97. **Practice patience**: Allow things to unfold naturally.

98. **Engage in a mindful walk**: Focus on the sensations as you move.

99. **Write down a future goal**: Plan for something positive.

100. **Find a way to serve others**: Volunteer or help out.


Incorporate these tiny habits slowly into your daily routine, allowing them to build up over time. Consistency and gradual progress can make a significant difference in managing depression.