Rules & tips

Geschrieben am 03.09.2024
von Alex Liedtke



1. **Be Kind to Yourself & Others:**

- Treat everyone with kindness and respect. Acknowledge the humanity in others and yourself.


2. **Be Patient with Yourself & Others:**

- Understand that everyone is on their own journey. Practice patience, whether it’s in conversations or in your personal growth.


3. **Avoid Arguments:**

- Disagreements are natural, but avoid letting them turn into arguments. Engage in constructive discussions instead.


4. **Use Respectful Language:**

- Refrain from using swear words or offensive language. Communicate with dignity and respect.


5. **Be Polite to Yourself & Others:**

- Courtesy and politeness go a long way in fostering a positive community atmosphere. Treat yourself and others with the same respect.


6. **Manage Stress:**

- Don’t let stress take over. Practice self-care and be mindful of how your stress levels impact those around you.


7. **No Promotions:**

- This is a safe space. Please refrain from advertising products, services, companies, religious beliefs, or political standpoints.


8. **Personal Responsibility:**

- Everyone is primarily responsible for their own actions and mental well-being. Take ownership of your words and deeds.


9. **Crisis Intervention:**

- If someone expresses suicidal thoughts or intentions, immediately contact emergency services (911/122 ... or your national medical crisis hotline)) to ensure they receive professional help.




### Additional Community Rules


10. **Respect Privacy:**

- Do not share private or confidential information about yourself or others without consent.


11. **Inclusive Environment:**

- Foster an inclusive atmosphere. Discrimination, harassment, and hate speech of any kind are strictly prohibited.


12. **Constructive Feedback:**

- Offer feedback in a constructive and helpful manner. Avoid criticism that is not aimed at improvement.


13. **No Spamming:**

- Avoid spamming the community with repeated messages, irrelevant content, or unsolicited promotions.


14. **Support Each Other:**

- Encourage and uplift one another. We’re here to grow together, not tear each other down.


15. **Follow Legal Guidelines:**

- Adhere to all applicable laws and regulations. Illegal activities will not be tolerated.


16. **Engage Positively:**

- Strive to contribute positively. Be mindful of the impact your words and actions have on the community.



These guidelines are designed to create a safe, respectful, and supportive environment for everyone involved.